Following the success of its 2018-19 Workshop Grants scheme, BRAIS will be offering two further grants of up to £1000 in 2020.
The grants aim to provide opportunities to develop original research ideas in any area of Islamic Studies, to disseminate and increase the impact of current cutting-edge research, and to engage early career academics and post-graduate students based in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
BRAIS is committed to enhancing academic excellence and supporting high quality research in Islamic Studies. All applications will therefore be judged on the academic quality and significance of the proposal.
BRAIS’s priorities include encouraging collaboration and diversity of participation. BRAIS expects applicants to ensure that the proposed speakers, panellists and participants are representative of their academic community.
Eligibility Proposals may only be submitted by BRAIS members of any category who are research-active in Islamic Studies in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. We welcome individual and collaborative applications.
Proposal Submission All proposals must include a strong scholarly case for support (750-1000 words). The case for support should:
- Describe the objectives, the research focus and the potential impact of the workshop.
- Justify how the proposal is appropriate to the vision and aims of BRAIS.
- Distinguish the proposed workshop from other recent conferences and activities in the field.
- Give detail about the host institution, the title and structure of the workshop and method of choosing participants or a list of participants if known.
- Describe plans for further outputs and dissemination of results.
- Describe plans for publicity (if relevant) and evaluation.
Proposals must provide a detailed budget (not included in the word count), giving information about supplementary sources of funding or cost-sharing by the host institution, if applicable.
Additional documentation must include the full contact details and the CV (a max of 2 pages) of the main applicant and co-applicant(s).
All documentation should be submitted in .pdf or .doc files to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There will be two rounds open for the competition. The deadline for the first round is May 1, 2020, and the second round September 1, 2020.
Terms and Conditions of the BRAIS Workshop grants:
- Successful applicants will be required to formally agree to the terms and conditions of the grant.
- Payment of the grant shall be subject to the applicants’ agreement and will be made directly to the host institution.
- Grants unclaimed by the applicants will be cancelled and a new application will be necessary, should the funding still be required.
- Any substantial changes to the workshop including dates as detailed in the proposal must be notified in writing and approved by the Officers.
- BRAIS shall not consider applications by the same person in two successive rounds.
- The proposed workshops should be held before 30 June 2020. A fully receipted and detailed statement of expenses should be provided by 31 August 2020. No receipts shall be required if the statement is provided by the Research Support Office at the host institution. Any unspent funds must be returned to BRAIS.
- Ineligible costs include honoraria, personal fees and venue costs.
- The support of BRAIS shall be acknowledged in all workshop documentation and any ensuing outputs.
- BRAIS reserves the right to withhold grant payment if the above terms and conditions are not fully met.